Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Auntie Jo

princess dressing room at the disney store

eating avocado sushi

cat cuddles

Last week I was texting with my sister, Jo, who mentioned that she had this week off work.  Next thing I know, (after maybe just a few videos and pics of L to talk her into it), she has a ticket to MN for a quick visit.  This house loves to get some Auntie Jo time.  Even the kitties have to sneak in a snugfest here and there. 

Unfortunately Lyla is teething like a mad woman, and wasn't exactly the little angel I always make her out to be.  She definitely gave her auntie a run for her money.  She cried when she took her to the park to swing, bawled when Jo told her she was beautiful, and refused to go to sleep for naps.  She's lucky she's got those kissable cheeks and big brown eyes.  Even when she's being a little stinker she's still pretty irresistable.

The trip was quick, but we fit in as much as possible.  The highlights for L were definitely eating sushi, the Disney store at the Mall of America, and the just-my-size santa she couldn't stop kissing at another mall.

Oh, and she finally learned to wave and clap while Jo was here, and wouldn't stop doing it.  Her proud little face when we'd clap and cheer is seriously so precious.  I freakin love that girl.

Thanks for visiting, Auntie Jo!  We miss you already and can't wait to see you again in 2 WEEKS!!


- K

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