Monday, December 17, 2012

An N'Sync Christmas

This weeend started out with a bang with an ugly Christmas sweater party - the type of party we haven't seen in years.  Not since our condo days where we found any excuse to have a theme party, and may have had a drink or two thrown from our balcony to the pool 16 floors below.  And maybe just one or two noise violations.  But anyways, that was a long time ago.  And these days I do not have the tolerance I once did.  I managed to have a total of four drinks.  Four.  Chipped my tooth, and nursed the worst hangover of my life the next day.  The college me is shaking her head somewhere inside.

Needless to say the rest of the weekend was not as productive as I'd hoped, but I managed to pull myself together and even braved the Mall of America for some Christmas shopping Saturday afternoon (you'd be surprised to find out that A LOT of other people had the same brilliant idea). 

On Sunday I baked gingerbread cookies while my partners in crime downloaded Christmas music and sang and danced.  Ryan, who hates my Jessica Simpson and 98 degrees Christmas album collection, took it upon himself to "download something that doesn't suck".  And then we ended up with the N'Sync Christmas album. 

Finally we have some Christmas classics!

- K

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