Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Chillin, Relaxin

This weekend Ryan had a rugby tournament in Pittsburgh so his parents came out - dad to accompany Ryan to PA and mom to help me out with the girls since I have to be available for work during the weekends now that the crazy quarter end is near.

Ryan had a great time with his dad in Pittsburgh.  His team smoked the first team they played but unfortunately lost the second game.  No National Championship this year, but making it to the final four ain't too shabby in my book.

Us girls had a great time putzing around the house, and we even managed to leave the house both days.  AND I got to go on a major grocery shopping trip sans kids, which is almost as good as a fancy vacation these days.  AND, AND Mindy put both girls to bed one night (which was not an easy feat for whatever reason this weekend).  That right there is pretty much the best present I could receive. 

We also learned that Evie Sis is quite the mama's girl, has a fiery temper, and some damn strong lungs.  I think we've got a wild ride in store for us with that one.  It's a good thing she's so cute.

And this has nothing to do with the weekend, but tonight during bath time Lyla kicked back sideways in the tub with her legs up one side and head leaning back on the other.  Dad taught her to say she was "chillin".  When I came upstairs and asked what she was doing she said "chillin, relaxin".  :)

Hope you all had your fair share of chillin and relaxin tonight too! 

- K

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