Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Insta Weekend

I meant to post this yesterday, but then, you know, The Bachelor was on.  I'm gonna go ahead and call Ashlee right now.  She's where it's at.

Anyways, this weekend Ryan had to work quite a bit so Lyla and I had some girl time.  We played hide and seek and dress up.  We also had another epic pinterest fail with oreo stuffed chocolate chip cookies.  Don't be fooled by their appearance...they were still delicious.

I also spent a lot of time sorting through our pics of L's first year, and ordering more for the big birthday party this weekend.  I could spend all day looking through those sweet pictures. 

She was pretty excited when dada got home, and promptly attacked him with kisses, pets, and hugs.  She like to practice being gentle with just about anything these days, especially the cats.  Dad got lots of gentle pats one night.  And some not-so-gentle ones too.  Makes my heart melt to see those two.

We even managed to have a little BBQ despite the weather.  You know you're acclamating when 34 degrees feels balmy and you only wear a sweatshirt outdoors.  But actually, I am hoping we get more snow.  Mostly because I recently bought L a snowsuit that was kinda pricey, and still has yet to be worn.  Go figure.

- K

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