Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

One day when I was pregnant with Lyla I was thinking about being a mom to a daughter and what kind of person I hoped she would be, and what kind of role model I needed to be to achieve that.  Then a country song came on the radio about a dad going fishing with his daughter and making memories, and it dawned on me that as important as my role would be, Ryan's role as her father could very well be even more important in shaping the woman our little girl would become.

You dads are charged with a pretty daunting task.  You are responsible for teaching our sons how to be good men, and for turning our daughters into strong, confident women.  You teach our boys how to work hard, respect others and love women.  You teach our girls what it means to be loved by a good man, how it feels to be respected. 

You are more important than you know.  You are leaving legacies in your children which will affect many generations to come.  For that you are loved and appreciated every day, but most especially today. 

Our family is blessed to have a lot of good, strong dads and granddads.  I am so thankful for each of them, and especially to have a good man by my side, raising our little baby.  His legacy will be an amazing one.  Love you a million, Ryan.


- K

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