Monday, November 19, 2012

Insta Weekend


daddy love


baby nest

ready for thanksgiving!

belt stretching

L woke up Friday with a 103 degree fever, so needless to say we made a trip to the doc, (who said "so, she's actually sick this time!" as she walks into the room...), and took it easy for the weekend.  The poor girl had a fever the whole weekend, and was a lethargic, sleepy little thing.  I managed to keep a level head (most of the time) with her being sick, and took full advantage of the snuggle bug she was for that short time.  We actually read books.  Full books.  I hated knowing she didn't feel well, but it was kinda nice having her sit still while we took turns holding her close. 

I also managed to get out for a bit to stock up for Thanksgiving, and picked up some belt stretchers to prepare.  Those jalapeno die for.

On a side note, why do I have to ball every time I read "Love You Forever"?  Seriously, heaving sobs as soon as I open it up.  I think I need botox of the tear ducts.

- K

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